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So you've decided to Travel Australia...

Before you arrive, there are a few things that you need to prepare, check and decide..

Great things never came from comfort zones

When Should You Come To Australia?

It is an all year round travel destination, with at least half of the continent being warm all year round! But.. there are colder winter seasons, and even snow. So depending on the states you decide to live/travel in, you may need some winter woollies as well as the factor 50.

Where's Hot & Where's Not..?

The southern half of Australia has cooler winter seasons, with some areas even getting snow, so pack accordingly! Summers still reach up to 40 degrees so don't let the cold winters stop you from enjoying the southern cities

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Queensland, Northern Territory & North Western Australia are reasonably hot all year, with peaks during the summer season reaching over 40 degrees - bare in mind the summer up north is also wet season so expect heavy rain mainly in the evenings and night with high levels of humidity

Warmer Months: Sept - March

Cooler Months:

Getting Started!

Image by WanderLabs

Valid Passport

..with at least 12 months validity from the date of your arrival (The longer the better as you may decide to stay longer) You need your passport to enter Australia and to set up most things in your new temporary life, even to stay in most accommodation they require seeing your passport to check in.

Image by Corinne Kutz

Apply For A Visa least 3-4 months before your planned travel date. Carefully check all details before submitting as errors can cause months of delays or even make your application be rejected. For current Visa options, click here

Around: $500AUD

Use the Australian Governments visa finder page to explore visa options

Image by dominik hofbauer

Travel Insurance

Before you arrive (is easier than doing it when you get here and usually cheaper). Many things can go wrong when on the road, its best to have a safety net...

Around: $600-$1000AUD annually

Image by JD Weiher

Drivers Licence

.. must be in English, or get yourself an international licence if you plan to drive in Aus. This has to be applied for in your home country. UK, Ireland, USA and Canada are usually exempt from international licences, however if you plan to drive for more than 3 months you will need to get an Australian licence. These are different depending on the state you are in.

Remember: Drive on the LEFT in Australia and other AUS road rules found on the National Transport Commission Government Website

Image by Liam Pozz

Chose Starting City

The main cities are: Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, Adelaide, Brisbane and Perth, Darwin and Cairns 

Depending on whether you want to travel, find work, buy a car or start your regional work when you first arrive, will determine where you should start.

We recommend starting in Sydney and working your way up the coast for travelling, or stay in Syd/Melbourne for great earning opportunities.

Image by Jerry Zhang

Book Flights

Book your flights, as far in advance as possible. The sooner you book it the cheaper it will be. Bare in mind that depending on the time of year the prices will fluctuate however your average is $1500AUD return. The flight will usually be at least 24hours+ with a stop over so bare this in mind and prepare yourself some plane activities.

BB Tip: Returns usually work out cheaper in the long run. 

Around: $1500-$2200AUD  return

Image by Taiga Ishii

Book Accomodation

for at least the first 2-3 weeks, preferably in the same place if you are going to be on a WHV as you will have documents (such as your TFN or Bank Card/ details) being sent to you and will need an address. If you’re coming on a tourist visa, depending on the time of year you’re planning to come and how you’re going to travel, it will likely be  cheaper to book as much as possible in advance. 

Price: $30-$80 per night (depending on location and season)

Image by Anete Lūsiņa

Suitcase or Backpack

Its really a personal preference, however as a general rule the less the better. You will not physically backpack around the continent but you will lug your belongings from city to city and hostel to hostel which can become annoying if its too heavy. Remember that airlines usually allow a limited baggage weight of up to 20 kg but this can be up to 30 kg with some airlines. Your hand luggage is usually 7 kg. So best practice is to travel light!

Your home commitments such as weddings, school terms, other family obligations​​

How easy it will be finding work during off peak season (hospitality will be harder during these times)​

Your budget (as accommodation & activities are more expensive in peak season) minimum funds requested by the Australian government is $5000AUD.


Some things to consider..

We recommend to have at least the minimum of $5000AUD, however somewhere in the region of $5000-$10,000AUD should leave you comfortable for at least the first while if you budget well. More on this in our budget section.

When you get here, what do you do first...? Check out After You Land for a guide on getting set up when you land down under

Travel Insurance
Driers Licence
Starting City
Book Flighs
Book Accomodation
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